Marketing Tip Images2-02
July 03, 2017 By Courtney Stallings

How finding an inbound marketing agency is like dating


Dating. No one really likes it. So many choices, but so few that are perfect for YOU. And now you find out that finding a good Inbound marketing agency is like dating? 

Here's how to make it less painful:

Reduce the size of the candidate pool.

If you're a B2C pet food company, it doesn't make sense to go on a date with an Inbound marketing agency that focuses on the B2B realm.

Play the field.

Go on many dates, and refine your search by finding those who share your goals, vision, and culture – and don’t compromise.

Make an investment – but realize that the first investment may be a bust.

You might find an agency that you really like, but the feeling may not be mutual – and vice versa.

Find "The One." 

You'll know why every other agency didn't work out – your relationship will be based on mutual respect, appreciation, and trust.

Navigate the inevitable bumps in the road (no relationship is perfect)

Any relationship that doesn't have occasional conflict means there's no passion or deeper feelings.

Get married!

Wait, no. Hire the Inbound marketing company and live happily ever after.

Step into the partnership with clear goals, expectations, and positivity. Don't let pain from past relationships prevent you from enjoying a new one declare a clean slate and both sides will win!

Want to read more? Check out the full blog here.

ABC's of InBound Marketing eBook

About Author

Courtney Stallings

Courtney writes and edits content for Leading Results and their clients. She has been described as a Grammar Nazi and enjoys crafting writing with excellent spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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