Customer Insights

Every business we work with wants to generate consistent leads, sales, and new customers that love them (and that they love to work with). This means your marketing and sales messages must speak to your customers’ hearts.

The number one thing to accomplish is making your revenue engine – sales and marketing – work smoothly and correctly for the least cost. Our Value Decryption process cracks the code to get that moving.

Yes, you can use SEO and keyword research to attract prospects, but without the insight that comes from systematic, effective customer interviews, you won’t understand the true value your customers see in your product or service. 

Some companies use tools like surveys or net promoter scores to close the satisfaction-value-understanding gap. However, these statistical approaches only yield feel-good measures or indicate where improvement might be needed. Real understanding only comes from qualitative conversations.

Doing the right work the right way

Doing only tactics to find more leads is an unsustainable approach. It works short term but increasingly becomes more expensive over time – and you won’t find ideal customers who will pay a premium, appreciate you, and refer you. 

When your business is stagnant or growing slowly (not at the level you want), you’ll try lots of things to make marketing and sales more effective – new marketing tactics, revamping your sales team, changing your website, hiring a consultant to fix pieces. But overall, this parts-and-pieces approach doesn’t get you the results you want on a consistent basis.

Low insight, high cost

A lot of costs are associated with doing what you’ve always done. There’s the emotional toll of being frustrated, the financial cost of trying different marketing and sales tactics every month or two, the lost revenue (opportunity cost) of not closing sales because you don’t have the customer case studies and insight that tell marketing and sales what really matters to your customers. Finally, there’s lost time against your sales plan because leads are down, sales aren’t closing, and you lose time with every new vendor.

Decipher your true value

When you truly, deeply understand the value your customers get from your product or service, it feels like a transformation occurred in marketing and sales. Sometimes that value is their self-perception. Sometimes it’s a feature your product or service offers. Sometimes it’s a problem you solve.

Our Value Decryption process takes you through the four steps necessary to make this transformation.

  1. Research. We’ll work with you to identify your best customers – the kind you want more of – to interview. We’ll do the interviews and find the information to crack the code. We’ll also do a complete online audit to understand what’s attracting customers to you and your competitors.
  1. Decryption. Using the research, we’ll break down the critical components of what your marketing and sales messages need to be to reach straight into the heart of potential customers.
  1. Message-house Building. We’ll build a message house based on those critical elements, including messages for the company and which products to use at specific points in the buyer’s journey.
  1. Recommendations. We’ll make recommendations for your content roadmap, customer journey tactical approach (including suggested marketing tactics for each phase of the customer journey), and five or six of the smartest strategic steps you need to take.

Would you like to discover how Value Decryption can double your revenue? Watch our webinar on the Blueprint for Consistent B2B Lead Generation or contact us.


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